Java Tutorial


Introduction : 
                              Java is an ancient programming and privileged programming language compare to any other programming language still in usage. This is an independent programming language which can be very easy to understand and easy to access and easy to learn.
                 This programing is also having the features as follows :
  1. Platform independent.
  2. Robust.
  3. Dynamic.
  4. Code re usability.
  5. Easy to access.
  6. Object oriented.
  7. Multi threaded.
  8. Distributed.
  9. Portable.
In any programming language the syntax is very important to get access for the usage.In java the syntax is very important and unique.
                        For example if you go for a sample program to print "HELLO ".Here below i will explain the process of syntax usage and its significance.

                                 In the above program , the syntax started with class name it will be same as the file name , Either the name should be Camel case or Ordinary format.The name should be same for both class name and the program file name.

Public is a keyword which is easy to access from anywhere.

Then after we gonna discuss about the braces : 

These brace is used to start the function or to start the program . It can be used at the top.


These brace is used to close or stop the function or condition when it is completed.

Then after, the 3rd line statement .

Public static void main(String args[]);

Public : It's an access modifier which is used and visible to all.
Static: While using an static we don't need to create an object and invoke into JVM.
Void : It's a return type but doesn't anything to JVM.
Main : Main method can be used to start the program .
(String args[]) : Those were command line arguments.

System.out.println(" ");
                                           it's a printed statement which is used to print them into the program. It's an internal working of the system of printing files.

After completing the program we need to save with the filename .java

Then after saving the file we need to compile with the format of

JVM (Java virtual machine):

    JVM is independent to choose an algorithm.
In JAVA once the program is developed and compiled with compiler then the byte code is generated in the system with .java file .Then after JVM will take place with the process for the following procedure as:

*Runtime Instance.

In specification its independent to choose an algorithm.
In Implementation is handled by the JRE (Java runtime Environment).
In Runtime instance when we write the java code in the java command on command prompt and instance of java is created.



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