Interview experience @NTT DATA


                                                   Hi all, I have been selected for NTTDATA a Japan collaborative Forbes top 4 company , which started its empire with Nippon battery and now it's almost into all dimensions also sponsor for formula one racing.
                               The actual interview process started with AMCAT. All students with required qualifications from our college were taken to RVRJC college Guntur for giving AMCAT.
                 Once that round was completed and all those who qualified that round were asked to attend for further rounds on next day to my astonishment there were 1500 candidates for that particular day. On that day after the formal introduction about the company was done all candidates who attended the interview were divided into groups of 15 each.
                                      The actual interview process began with group discussion; the topic for my group discussion was ‘IS MOVING TO ABROAD FOR HIGHER EDUCATION A BOON OR BANE’. After that round filtration was done and those who got selected were asked to wait for the further rounds to commence. By the end of GD it was noon, we were asked to have some refreshments. The next round commenced after an hour and that was a one on one technical round where I was posed with many techie questions from different subjects among which some were total computer science and some were from my core background (my core was EEE) the questions from my core background were tricky but as I am not from CSE that questions needed a little brainstorming but if you have strong basics on C-Programming then you might not feel difficulty.
                                    Once that was cleared the next round was HR in that I was asked to answer a lot of questions relating to different scenarios like how I would I handle a team of different attitude colleagues and is experience important or education, if you can think a little logical and try answering the questions in a proper way no one can stop you from achieving your goals.
                                        This was my first interview and this is my experience one suggestion that I would like to say, be confident and keep smiling. It applies for any interview.  All the very best.

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